Feifer Assessment of Childhood Trauma™ 



Measures how stress and trauma impact students in a school-based setting


Steven G. Feifer, DEd

Administration Formats


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Quickly Measure How Stress and Trauma Are Impacting Students' Academic, Behavioral, Emotional, and Physiological Functioning in a School Environment

The FACT is the first and only instrument measuring how stress and trauma impact students in a school-based setting. It guides clinicians in formulating targeted interventions that better meet the needs of students.

The FACT is different from other measures in that its focus is HOW stress and trauma impacts academic, behavioral, emotional, and physiological functioning in a school-based setting. The Score Report with Recommendations provides resources to aid your preparation of 504 recommendations and Individualized Education Program (IEP) accommodations, and to screen children within a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) delivery model.

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Features and benefits

  • Designed for use by educational diagnosticians, school counselors, school psychologists, neuropsychologists, school nurses, community mental health providers, school administrators, and pediatricians.
  • Quantifies the impact, rather than the source, of traumatic experiences on school-based functioning in order to help you generate specific interventions.
  • Four clinical impact scales (Physiological Impact, Emotional Impact, Academic Impact, Behavioral Impact), one index (Total Trauma), and a four clusters (Resiliency, Anxiety, Depression, Inattention) paint a broad picture of students’ functioning. Two validity scales are also provided.
  • The Total Trauma index captures overall functioning in a school environment, while scales target specific areas and clusters focus on mental health concerns that might benefit from further evaluation.
  • Useful as part of an evaluation for emotional disturbance.
  • The FACT includes a Resiliency cluster that focuses on positive attributes and the presence of protective factors.
  • Parent, Teacher, and Self-Report Forms are available.
  • Critical items are included to help identify children in need of immediate follow-up.
  • Administration options are flexible:
    • Administer digitally via PARiConnect and receive immediate scoring and report generation.
    • Administer via printed form and transfer scores into PARiConnect to generate a Score Report with Recommendations.
  • The Score Report with Recommendations includes scores and lists of recommendations for implementation both at home and at school.
  • The e-Manual (also available in print) provides information on the role of stress and trauma in academic settings, appropriate uses and general applications for the FACT, directions for administration and interpretation, and data on reliability and validity.
  • Developed by noted school psychologist and educational neuropsychologist Steven G. Feifer, DEd.
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Photo of Feifer Assessment of Childhood Trauma ™ | FACT | PAR
Age Range 4 years to 18 years
Admin Time 10 minutes
Qualification Level B

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FACT Print Administration Kit

Learn more about e-Manuals and e-Stimulus Books. Each are limited to a single user and device.

What's Included

FACT Digital Administration Kit

Includes 75 i-Admins/Score Reports.

Learn more about e-Manuals and e-Stimulus Books. Each are limited to a single user and device.

What's Included

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I have i-Admins and Score Reports from the previous FACT? Can I still use these?

Yes. Any existing inventory of i-Admins and reports were automatically moved to the new item number within PARiConnect.

I generated reports from previous administrations of the FACT Teacher Form. Are these still available?

No. Prior to the transition, customers were alerted to the need to download and save any FACT Teacher Form reports in their account. Old reports were deleted from the system when the full FACT was released.

I have the original Teacher Form Professional e-Manual. Can I still use this?

As the norms and structure of the FACT have changed, you will need to reference the new manual going forward. Customers who purchased an e-Manual prior to the transition received a complimentary new e-Manual in their digital library within PARiConnect.

How long does it take to administer the FACT?

All forms of the FACT take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

What gap does the FACT fill when I am choosing which tests to administer for childhood trauma?

As author Steven Feifer says, “A child can't learn if they don't feel safe.” Other trauma measures help you determine whether trauma has occurred and the nature of that trauma. The FACT focuses on the impact of stress and trauma on the student in an academic environment, and results provide insight into how stress and trauma are impacting academic, behavioral, emotional, and physiological functioning at school.

Where can I use the results of the FACT? 

The results of the FACT can be useful when you are planning for IEP accommodations, making 504 recommendations, and screening children as part of a MTSS delivery model.

Can I administer the FACT more than once to the same student?

Yes, the FACT can be administered more than once to the same student. An interval of 4 weeks between administrations is recommended. Information about reliable change is provided in the FACT manual.

Video -  What was Dr. Feifer's inspiration behind developing the FACT?

Why is it important to measure the impact that childhood trauma is having on a student's ability to be comfortable at school? Test author Dr. Steven Feifer answers this question with his story that inspired the FACT.

Video - How does the FACT differ from other measures of childhood trauma?

The FACT differs from other trauma assessments because it does not determine if your student has experienced trauma. Instead, it measures the impact of stress and trauma on their learning. A child cannot learn if they don't feel safe. Starting off your psychoeducational assessment with the FACT helps you create a learning environment that enables everyone to thrive. Plus, enjoy the wealth of interventions provided in the Score Report with Recommendations to help in your preparation of an IEP or 504 plan.

Video - The FACT Measures How Trauma and Stress Impact Learning

When assessing students' learning, there's one important question that should be asked first: How comfortable is the child in school? Hear from test author Dr. Feifer how the FACT answers this question by measuring the impact of stress and trauma on learning. Until you answer this question with the FACT, the results of cognition, academic, or social/emotional assessments don't matter.

Video - FACT Author Dr. Steven Feifer Helps Define Childhood Trauma

The FACT measures the impacts of trauma and stress on learning in children. With different assessments measuring various aspects of trauma, understanding what aspect the FACT uses is vital when using this measure. Hear from test author Dr. Feifer as he walks through several ways trauma can be defined, and the area of trauma this tool measures.

Video - How do I assess childhood trauma with the FACT?

Children's learning is affected when they do not feel comfortable in their academic environment. Hear from test author Dr. Steven Feifer how the FACT can help you determine their emotional readiness to learn and how this knowledge can impact how you interpret their other assessments.

Video - How do I administer the FACT?

Hear test author Dr. Steven Feifer describe how administration of the FACT is flexible and brief, and why he suggests starting your evaluations with the FACT.

Video - What metrics does the FACT provide?

In this video, learn from test author Dr. Steven Feifer how the metrics provided paint a broad picture of the student's functioning in school and how you can use the scales, indices, and cluster scores to generate specific interventions.

  • Four clinical impact scales (Physiological Impact, Emotional Impact, Academic Impact, Behavioral Impact)
  • One index (Total Trauma)
  • Four clusters (Resiliency, Anxiety, Depression, Inattention)
  • Two validity scales


Video - Overview of the Feifer Assessment of Childhood Trauma (FACT) from PAR's Product Team

Learn about the Feifer Assessment of Trauma from Dr. Nikel Rogers-Wood, Project Director on PAR's product team. With the FACT's clinical impact scales, cluster scores, validity scales and parent/teacher/self-report forms, gain insight into how stress and trauma may be impacting your students in a school-based setting.


Video - How can I easily use the FACT in my psychoeducational evaluations?

Hear from test author Dr. Steven Feifer about how quick and easy it is to administer the FACT without taking time away from your direct work with students.

Video - Is the FACT an important part of a psychoeducational evaluation?

Why should the FACT be included in your evaluations? Hear from test author Dr. Feifer how the FACT "sets the stage" for all other evaluations and leads to more informed interventions. It all begins with a simple question: Do they feel comfortable in their academic setting?

Video - How do I develop accommodations and interventions using the FACT score report?

Ready to take your report to the finish line? Hear from Dr. Steven Feifer about how the Feifer Assessment of Childhood Trauma (FACT) and its digital score report can help you save time, reduce the chance of examiner bias, and give you dozens and dozens of interventions derived from the data to cut and paste into your evaluation.

Video - Neuropsychological basis of the FACT

What role does neuropsychology play in how we look at stress, trauma, and behavior? Hear from Dr. Steven Feifer on how the Feifer Assessment of Childhood Trauma (FACT) takes into consideration that there are actual changes that happen in brain chemistry as a result of stress and trauma. There are areas of the brain that change as the nervous system gets sensitized. It's these changes in the brain that we are trying to capture as a result of administering the FACT. With the results of the FACT, you can start to develop interventions and accommodations for the student so they can start to feel more comfortable at school and get back to focusing on learning.

Video - Why is the FACT unique?

While there are other measures that look at the source of trauma, the FACT focuses on the second part of the question: How does stress and trauma impact an individual in an academic setting? Hear test author Dr. Steven Feifer speak on what sets this assessment tool apart and makes it the first and only test of its kind.


Video - What is the validity of the FACT?

Validity is a key part of any rating scale that helps to improve the accuracy of the test results. The FACT features various validity measures. Listen to test author Dr. Steven Feifer as he discusses these validity measures and how you can benefit from using the FACT in your assessments.

Video - A case study of Mary who was administered the FACT, FAR, and the FAW to help diagnose dyslexia and anxiety

When a student is struggling with a specific subject in school, understanding “why” they are struggling can make all the difference for their learning and academic success. In this video, Dr. Steven Feifer—author of the FAR, FAW, FAM, and the FACT—digs into a case study about a 4th grader named Mary. He explains that by administering the Feifer Assessment of Childhood Trauma (FACT) alongside the Feifer Assessment of Reading (FAR) and Feifer Assessment of Writing (FAW), he was able to gain a broader view of Mary’s issues on both an academic and emotional level. While the results of the FAR and FAW helped him diagnose Mary with dyslexia, the FACT provided additional insights into Mary’s comfort level in school and the causes of her anxiety. The combination of all three tests in Dr. Feifer's psychoeducational evaluation helped him develop an IEP to manage Mary's dyslexia on an academic level and accommodations that helped her feel less anxious in the classroom.