Victoria Symptom Validity Test



Assesses validity of respondent's symptoms


Daniel Slick, PhD, Grace Hopp, MA, Esther Strauss, PhD, and Garrie B. Thompson, PhD

Administration Formats


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Assess for Poor Effort, Deliberate Feigning, or Exaggeration of Cognitive Deficits

The VSVT is a performance validity test that uses a forced-choice, two-alternative model to assess possible exaggeration or feigning of cognitive impairments.

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Features and benefits

  • VSVT scores help to indicate that factors other than cognitive impairment may be influencing a client’s performance.
  • The 48 VSVT items are presented in three blocks of 16 items each, and items are classified as either easy or difficult.
  • The Total Items Correct score is used to classify a respondent’s performance; the type and number of items answered correctly, the response latency, and the right-left preference scores provide information that can be used to help interpret VSVT performance.
  • Test interpretation compares the respondent’s performance to what is expected to occur on the basis of chance alone; this binomial-based approach to respondent classification minimizes the risk of false positives.
  • Research results confirm the clinical and forensic utility of the VSVT for identifying respondents who are attempting to exaggerate or feign cognitive impairments.
  • Convenient administration and scoring on PARiConnect.
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Photo of Victoria Symptom Validity Test
Age Range 18 years to 72 years
Admin Time 18-25 minutes
Qualification Level C

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VSVT Digital Kit

Includes 25 i-Admins and 25 Score Reports. Learn more about e-Manuals and e-Stimulus Books. Each are limited to a single user and device.


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