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This interpretive report provides scores, profiles, and interpretive text based on response data from a paper-and-pencil assessment.
For in-person administration via tablet.
Learn more about e-Manuals and e-Stimulus Books. Each are limited to a single user and device.
Learn more about e-Manuals and e-Stimulus Books. Each are limited to a single user and device.
When the FAW, FAR, and FAM are used together, you get valuable information in less time that allows you to more holistically assess your students for reading, writing, and math disorders. Based on a neuropsychological theory of reading, writing, and math, the Feifer family of products reveals the root of your student's struggles and generates interpretive reports to aid in your intervention decision making. Hear more from test author Dr. Steve Feifer in this video.
In this video, Dr. Steven Feifer shares a compelling case study of Jason, a middle school student who began struggling with math. Jason passed all standard achievement and intelligence tests, meaning that traditional measures would have ruled out any additional difficulties. However, administering the FAM displayed where Jason had specific trouble with math, leading to improved interventions that supported his academic success.
Teachers, parents, and students want more than what competing tests of reading, writing, and math offer. The Feifer family of products is designed to work together to get to the heart of the struggle and answer why a student is struggling with learning. Learn about the advantages of integrating the FAR, FAM, and FAW into your practice from test author Dr. Feifer in this video.