Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales, Second Edition



Assesses intelligence and its major components


Cecil R. Reynolds, PhD, and Randy W. Kamphaus, PhD

Administration Formats


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The DRF is the Easier Way to Administer the RIAS-2. Preorder with Introductory Pricing!

Receive 10% off of the RIAS-2 by using the promo code "SPRINGSOON" at checkout.

Introducing the RIAS-2 Digital Record Form (DRF), the modern way to administer the RIAS-2 that eliminates the paper record form. The DRF seamlessly routes you through basal, reverse, and discontinue rules giving you more time to focus on your client and not the rules. What’s more is that the DRF fits into your preferred assessment process, whether digital or print. Just log in to PARiConnect to use it to guide you through test administration and to capture your client responses. Preorder now!

Complete a full IQ test in under one hour

The RIAS-2 can be used as a stand-alone intellectual assessment or as part of a larger battery to diagnose specific disorders, such as intellectual disabilities or learning disabilities, and as a way to determine educational placement.

Fast -- Compared to similar measures, administering the RIAS-2 is faster as all eight subtests can be completed in less than one hour.

Accurate -- Low emphasis on motor demand makes the RIAS-2 a more precise measure of general intelligence.

Affordable -- About half the price of similar measures.

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Features and benefits

  • Appropriate for clinicians working in group or private practices, schools, or hospitals. Can be used with clients ages 3 to 94 years.
  • Manage your client load by buying just the products you need on PARiConnect.
    • Use the RIAS-2 Score Report to obtain client score and profiles.
    • The RIAS-2 Interpretive Report includes all the information on the score report plus interpretive text. There is also an optional client feedback report. 
  • All four core and two memory subtests from the original RIAS were retained; however, harder and easier items were added to provide greater range, and other items were revised to allow for more up-to-date and acceptable responses.
  • Two supplemental speeded processing subtests (one verbal, one nonverbal) combine to create the Speeded Processing Index (SPI).
  • Low motor demand.
  • Optional memory subtest is available.
  • All basal and ceiling rules for the subtests are more conservative, are consistent with one another, and allow for more accurate assessment at the lowest and highest ability level.
  • Ability–achievement discrepancies with the Academic Achievement Battery (AAB) are provided.
  • If you need to administer remotely, choose either the RIAS-2 Remote or the RIST-2 Remote. Use minimally modified test materials and your videoconferencing platform to "meet" your clients where they are. 
  • The RIAS-2 Record Form with Spanish Responses is a culturally fair assessment that allows bilingual and English language learners the option of answering items in Spanish.

More about the DRF

  • Administration is completed on one tablet and does not require additional hardware or connection (e.g., Bluetooth) with additional devices. Works with either Apple or Android tablets.
  • Smart technology considers the age-based start points for each subtest and advances to the correct item. Additionally, the system progresses through each subtest based on the administration rules (i.e., basal, reverse, and discontinue).
  • Decrease administrative burden, and risk of errors, by letting the DRF tally and calculate scores instead of having to tally the scores on paper and then manually entering into PARiConnect.
  • Responses are saved for scoring and interpretation after administration is complete. Option to generate within PARiConnect a digital report of the responses.
  • Like an i-Admin, DRFs can be used immediately after purchase. No need to wait for the print forms to arrive in the mail.
  • Practice Mode allows you to use the DRF before using it with a real client.
  • Built-in features
    • Use notes to record behavioral observations and other test session behavior to help in your interpretation
    • Flag an item to return to later
    • Save the form while in progress and return later to finish
  • Free training materials (coming soon) make it easy to learn how to use the DRF.

The Digital Record Form gives clinicians unprecedented flexibility in administering the RIAS-2. You are not confined to print-only or digital-only administration. Choose between the Digital Record Form or paper Record Form and the e-Stimulus Book or paper stimulus books. PAR provides the options, and you choose which are best for you.
--Nikel Rogers-Wood, PhD, LP, Project Director

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Photo of Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales ™ , Second Edition | RIAS-2 | IQ Intelligence
Age Range 3 years to 94 years
Admin Time 20–25 minutes for Intelligence assessment; 10–15 minutes for Memory assessment; 5–10 minutes for Speeded Processing assessment
Qualification Level C

Shop by Kit

RIAS-2/RIST-2 Comprehensive Kit

This kit includes a RIAS-2 Canvas Carrying Case
What's Included

RIAS-2 Introductory Kit

This kit includes a RIAS-2 Canvas Carrying Case
What's Included

RIST-2 Introductory Kit

This kit includes a RIAS-2 Canvas Carrying Case
What's Included

RIAS-2 Record Form with Spanish Responses Introductory Kit

What's Included

RIAS-2 Record Form with Spanish Responses Supplemental Kit

What's Included

RIAS-2/RIST-2 Remote Comprehensive Kit

Learn more about e-Manuals and e-Stimulus Books. Each are limited to a single user and device.

What's Included

RIAS-2 Remote Introductory Kit

Learn more about e-Manuals and e-Stimulus Books. Each are limited to a single user and device.

What's Included

RIAS-2/RIST-2 In-Person e-Admin Comprehensive Kit

Learn more about e-Manuals and e-Stimulus Books. Each are limited to a single user and device.

What's Included

RIAS-2 In-Person e-Admin Introductory Kit

Learn more about e-Manuals and e-Stimulus Books. Each are limited to a single user and device.

What's Included

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What is the technical information for the RIAS™-2?

Technical information

  • Normative data are based on a sample of 2,154 individuals ages 3-94 years from 32 states representative of 2012 U.S. Census statistics.
  • Data were gathered from the following 12 clinical groups: stroke, dementia, hearing impaired, intellectual disability disorder (child and adult), TBI (child and adult), learning disabilities (child and adult), ADHD (child and adult), and gifted.
  • Percentile ranks, 90% and 95% confidence intervals, T scores, z scores, NCEs, and stanines are available for index scores.
  • Internal consistency studies associated with RIAS-2 indexes exceed .90 across age groups.
  • RIAS-2 indexes correlated highly with RIAS indexes, providing support for the consistency of item content and performance between the original measure and this revision.
  • Criterion-related validity was assessed by examining correlations between the RIAS-2 indexes and the WISC-IV, WAIS-IV, WPPSI-IV, AAB, FAR, and ChAMP. All correlations were found to be in the strong and as expected.

RIAS-2 Indexes

Why is the RIAS™-2 a better test of intelligence due to fewer confounding factors?

Many intelligence tests introduce confounds in the form of construct irrelevant variance by including tasks that require fine-motor skills and that give bonus points for speed of performance on nonverbal intelligence tasks, and such speed is easily disrupted by attentional issues and ease of distractibility. Often such measures will also rely on academic tasks such as fund of information. RIAS-2 was constructed carefully to avoid as many such confounds as possible leading to a more direct measure of intelligence that is not clouded by fine motor issues, academic learning disabilities, or attentional and other noncognitive factors.

- Cecil R. Reynolds, PhD

I am in private practice, why should I switch to the RIAS™-2?

As managed care companies continue to cut and monitor hours for psychological and neuropsychological testing, time has become an increasingly valuable commodity. RIAS-2 provides a full assessment of intelligence in 30 minutes and also has conformed memory and processing speed tasks that add only 10-15 minutes. In contrast to most IQ measures, RIAS-2 saves you 45-60 minutes of testing and scoring time that can then be devoted to assessing other characteristics of your patient, allowing you to generate a more comprehensive, useful evaluation overall. Additionally, RIAS-2 record forms and protocols are less than half the cost per administration of those for competing measures and the detailed narrative report, which can be tailored to different fundamental referral questions, is also quick, easy to use, and less than half the cost of other common narrative reports. RIAS-2 thus saves on time and out of pocket expense and can improve your productivity as a clinician.

- Cecil R. Reynolds, PhD

What information is there for the RIAS™-2 Spanish?


Reynolds Intellectual Assessment ScalesTM, Second Edition, Record Form with Spanish Responses

The RIAS-2 is an objective, reliable, and comprehensive test of intelligence and its major components. The RIAS-2 Record Form with Spanish Responses is a culturally fair assessment that allows bilingual and English language learners the option of answering items in Spanish.

Features and benefits

  • Offers correct Spanish-answer options for the RIAS-2 Guess What, Verbal Reasoning, and What’s Missing subtests.
  • Examinees can provide English or Spanish responses. Spanish dialects most commonly spoken in the U.S., including Mexican, Central American, Caribbean, Colonial Spanish, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Venezuelan, Columbian, and Argentinian, are included.
  • Includes the new Language Acculturation Meter that provides a framework for interpreting test results by documenting years of education in Spanish and/or English, everyday language usage, and self-identified English comprehension.
  • Aids in cognitive assessment of Spanish/English bilingual and English language learners.
  • A new manual supplement describes the diligent translation process for the Spanish responses.

Test structure

  • Includes two supplemental speeded processing subtests (one verbal, one nonverbal).
  • All eight subtests can be completed in less than an hour.
  • Includes reliable change scores and ability-achievement discrepancies with the Academic Achievement Battery (AAB).

Technical information

  • Normative data (N = 2,154) represent 2012 U.S. Census statistics.
  • Data were gathered from 12 clinical groups: stroke, dementia, hearing impaired, intellectual disability disorder (child and adult), TBI (child and adult), learning disabilities (child and adult), ADHD (child and adult), and gifted.

What information do you have for the RIAS™-2 Remote?

RIASTM-2 Remote

Reynolds Intellectual Assessment ScalesTM, Second Edition Remote

Since COVID changed the way you practice, you need options to continue serving your clients seamlessly and efficiently. PAR developed the RIAS-2 Remote to support your need for flexibility. The RIAS-2 components have been minimally modified and packaged digitally, and step-by-step videoconferencing instructions are included to allow you to continue assessing your clients for intelligence and its major components in remote settings.

An equivalency study (Wright, 2018*) between the RIAS-2 paper-and-pencil format and digital version produced positive results for all subtests except the supplemental speeded processing subtests—hence, they are excluded from the Remote.

One downloadable digital stimulus book is shared via videoconferencing with your student or client.

Please see the resources area for a whitepaper about remote administration.

*Wright, A. J. (2018). Equivalence of remote, online administration and traditional, face-to-face administration of the Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales, Second Edition [white paper]. PAR.

How was the RIAS™-2 developed? Watch the author video.

Why should I choose the RIAS-2 as my go-to intelligence test?

Rely on the RIAS-2 as your precise, fast, and cost-effective intelligence test.

Why should you choose RIAS-2 intelligence test? Because it is accurate, fast and less expensive that other tests.

How do I choose between the RIAS™-2, the RIST™-2, and the RIT™?

How do I learn how to use Digital Record Forms? 

DRF training is coming soon. Access DRF training via PAR Training, PARiConnect Help Menu, or within the DRF itself on the Assessment Home screen.

You can also use Practice Mode to learn how to use digital record forms before using it with a real client. Although you can enter responses, the item scores and total raw scores are disabled, and reports and exports are not available. Exiting practice mode clears all entered responses.

PAR Training | PARiConnect



Can a DRF be used with Remote e-Stimulus Books? 

No, DRFs are designed to be used for in-person administrations using the print stimulus books or In-Person e-Stimulus Books.