Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition



Assesses memory functioning


Cecil R. Reynolds, PhD, and Judith K. Voress, PhD

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Assess Memory Functioning With 14 Unique Subtests

Reformulated core subtests and core indexes; a redesigned and convenient Record Booklet; and additional interpretive tables, analyses, and text help to make the updated TOMAL 2 a culturally fair assessment of memory.

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Features and benefits

  • Features 14 subtests, including Memory for Stories, Facial Memory, Word Selective Reminding, Visual Selective Reminding, Object Recall, Abstract Visual Memory, Digits Forward, Visual Sequential Memory, Paired Recall, Memory for Location, Manual Imitation, Letters Forward, Digits Backward, and Letters Backward, plus two verbal delayed recall tasks and cued recall procedures.
  • Core indexes have been reformulated and consist of the Verbal Memory Index, Nonverbal Memory Index, and Composite Memory Index.
  • Supplementary indexes are composed of the new Verbal Delayed Recall Index, Learning Index, Attention and Concentration Index, Sequential Memory Index, Free Recall Index, and the Associative Recall Index.
  • Features additional interpretive tables, analyses, and text. 
  • Reliability estimates are uniformly high—all composite and some subtest reliability values are in the .90s, with the balance exceeding .85. Test-retest reliability coefficients are all greater than .70 for the subtests, with most greater than .80. For the composite indexes, all but one value exceeds .80.
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Photo of Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition | TOMAL | PAR
Age Range 5 years to 59 years
Admin Time Core Battery: 30 minutes; Core plus Supplementary: 60 minutes
Qualification Level C

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TOMAL-2 Complete Kit

Includes TOMAL-2 Examiner's Manual, Picture Books A and B, 25 Profile/Summary Forms, 25 Examiner Record Booklets, Set of Delayed Recall Cue Cards, Visual Selective Reminding Test Board, and 15 Facial Memory Chips.


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