Screening Assessment for Gifted Elementary and Middle School Students Third Edition



Identifies gifted students


Susan K. Johnsen and Anne L. Corn

Administration Formats


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Identify Students Who are Gifted and/or Talented in General Intellectual Ability and Academic Aptitude

Features and benefits

  • Normative data (N = 1,834) were collected from 2015 to 2017.
  • New items were added to each subtest to eliminate possible ceiling effects.
  • Now includes a second reasoning test in order to sample more than one aspect of reasoning.
  • Now features two domain composite scores (Reasoning Ability and Academic Ability) and an overall composite score (General Ability).
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Test structure

  • Features two levels: K-3, for students in kindergarten to third grade; and 4-8, for students in fourth to eighth grade.
  • Each level has four subtests: Nonverbal Reasoning, Language Arts/Social Studies, Verbal Reasoning, and Mathematics/Science.

Technical information

  • New studies of the floors, ceilings, and item gradients for the subtests and composites indicate that the SAGES-3 has substantial and consistently excellent ceilings, even for the oldest and brightest examinees.
  • The average coefficient alpha ranges between .81 and .96 for the subtests and .91 to .98 for the composites.

Online Scoring and Report System

Access to the SAGES-3 Online Scoring and Report System is included with the purchase of each SAGES-3 Complete Kit and with the purchase of every replacement pack of Examiner Record Forms. This scoring and report system was designed as a quick, efficient tool for entering individual or group test session data; scoring subtest item responses; converting the total raw scores into standard scores and percentile ranks; generating index scores and percentile ranks and obtaining a score summary and narrative report. The SAGES-3 Examiner Record Forms that come with the kit and are sold separately include the instructions for activating the online scoring account.  The activation code for online scoring is printed on each form.

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Photo of Screening Assessment for Gifted Elementary and Middle School Students Third Edition
Age Range 5 years to 14 years
Admin Time 15-30 minutes per subtest
Qualification Level B

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SAGES-3 Complete Kit

Includes SAGES-3 Examiner's Manual, 10 K-3 and 10 4-8 Nonverbal Reasoning, Language Arts/Social Studies, Verbal Reasoning, and Mathematics/Science Student Response Booklets, 50 K-3 and 50 4-8 Examiner Record Forms, and the 4-8 Scoring Transparency, and access to the Online Scoring and Report System.


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