Phonological Awareness Test-2: Normative Update



Assess phonological awareness, phoneme-grapheme correspondence, and phonemic decoding skills


Carolyn Robertson and Wanda Salter

Administration Formats


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A Standardized Assessment of Phonological Awareness, Phoneme-Grapheme Correspondence, and Phonemic Decoding Skills

Test results help educators focus on those aspects of oral language that may not be systematically targeted in classroom reading instruction.

Features and benefits

  • Measures students' awareness of spoken syllables and phonemes.
  • Assesses students' knowledge of sound/symbol correspondence in isolation and in practice.
  • Includes a wide variety of tasks that correlate with success in early reading and spelling.
  • Straightforward developmental format lets examiners tease out specific skills and plan effective interventions.
  • The Examiner's Manual has been reorganized and rewritten to provide more detailed information about the administration, interpretation, and statistical characteristics of the test.
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Test structure

  • Includes six core subtests (Rhyming, Segmentation, Isolation, Deletion, Substitution, and Blending) and two supplemental subtests (Phoneme-Grapheme Correspondence and Phonemic Decoding).
  • Each item was evaluated using both conventional item analysis and differential analysis.
  • The Total Score is divided into a Phonological Awareness Index and a Phoneme-Grapheme Index.

Technical information

  • New normative scores for the subtests were calculated in terms of scaled scores that have a mean of 10 and a standard deviation of 3.
  • Subtests and composite scores were thoroughly examined for floor and ceiling effects.
  • Criterion-prediction validity is evidenced by correlations with and comparison of mean and standard deviations of the CTOPP-2 Phonological Awareness Composite Score.
  • Reliability and validity studies were conducted with individuals with typical language ability and those who had been previously diagnosed with a language impairment or received other special education services.
  • Average coefficient alpha ranges between .83 and .92 for the subtests and is .96 for the Phonological Awareness Index and .97 for the Phoneme-Grapheme Index.
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Photo of Phonological Awareness Test-2: Normative Update
Age Range 5 years to 9 years
Admin Time 50 minutes
Qualification Level B

Shop by Kit

PAT-2: NU Complete Kit

Includes Examiner's Manual, 25 Examiner Record Booklets, Manipulative Blocks, Phoneme-Grapheme Correspondence Stimuli Booklet, Phonemic Decoding Stimuli Booklet, and storage box.


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