Personality Assessment Inventory Adolescent Software Portfolio



Scores and generates Clinical Interpretive Reports for the PAI-A


Leslie C. Morey, PhD, and PAR Staff

Administration Formats


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Use the PAI-A Software Portfolio to Score and Interpret Results

The PAI-A SP provides comprehensive and accurate Clinical Interpretive Reports based on on-screen administration of the PAI-A or hand-entry of an adolescent’s item or scale raw scores.

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Features and benefits

  • Powerful diagnostic and interpretive logic generates interpretive statements for all 22 PAI-A scales; relevant subscale-to-scale and subscale-to-subscale interpretive considerations are addressed.
  • The convenient Item/Response Booklet contains both the item booklet and the answer sheet—all in one.
  • Program functionality includes navigation tools (e.g., menu system, Quickstart dialog box, toolbar, status bar), export features, and report editing.
  • You pay a per-use fee only if you choose to administer the PAI-A on-screen. A Counter Serial Number is used to activate the on-screen administrations.
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