Frontal Systems Behavior Scale



Assesses behavior related to frontal systems damage


Janet Grace, PhD, and Paul F. Malloy, PhD

Administration Formats


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Help Get a Full Picture of their Frontal Systems

The FrSBe fills a gap in the assessment of frontal systems behavioral syndromes by providing a means to identify and quantify disordered natural behavior so that problems may be targeted for treatment. It is a rating scale designed to measure behaviors associated with damage to the frontal lobes and frontal systems of the brain.

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Features and benefits

  • Provides a brief, reliable, and valid measure of three frontal systems behavioral syndromes: apathy, disinhibition, and executive dysfunction.
  • Quantifies behavioral changes over time by including both baseline (retrospective) and current assessments of behavior.
  • Includes a total score as well as scores on three subscales that correspond to the three frontal systems behavioral syndromes.
  • It may also help focus behavioral interventions and potentially help target dysfunctional behaviors for psychopharmacological treatment.
  • Measurement of frontal behavioral syndromes may facilitate patient, family, and staff education.
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Photo of Frontal Systems Behavior Scale ™
Age Range 18 years to 95 years
Admin Time 10 minutes
Qualification Level B

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What is the technical information of the FrSBe™?

Test structure

  • This 46-item behavior rating scale is much easier and less time-consuming to administer than a neuropsychological test battery.
  • Two hand-scorable, carbonless test booklets (self and family) are available. Items are written at a sixth-grade reading level. Two profile forms (self and family) allow comparisons of behaviors pre- and post-injury/illness.


  • Appropriate for ages 18 to 95 years.
  • Administration of the FrSBe requires approximately 10 minutes.
  • Materials required for administration are one or both of the FrSBe rating forms (i.e. Self-Rating form and/or Family Rating Form), a hard-point pencil or pen, and a flat writing surface.
  • The FrSBe can be individually or group administered. Each item is rated on a likert response scale ranging from 1 to 5 (1=almost never, 2=seldom, 3=sometimes, 4=frequently, 5=almost always).

Scoring and Reporting

  • The FrSBe is a 46-item behavior rating and three subscale scores (Apathy, Disinhibition, and Executive Dysfunction).
  • The subscales- Apathy (A; 14 items), Disinhibition (D; 15 items), and Executive Dysfunction (E; 17 items) - correspond to the three behavioral syndromes.
  • The Self-Rating and Family Rating forms of the FrSBe each include response scales for rating behavior both prior to the illness or injury (BEFORE) and following the illness or injury (AFTER).
  • The FrSBe includes a total score as well as scores on three subscales that correspond to the three formal systems behavioral syndromes.

Reliability, validity, and norms

Normative data are derived from a community-based sample of 436 men and women for two levels of education; data are also provided for several clinical groups, including patients with frontotemporal dementia, frontal lesions, nonfrontal stroke, head injury, Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease.