Evaluates ROCF performance within a developmental context
Jane Holmes Bernstein, PhD, and Deborah Waber, PhD
Effectively Evaluate Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Performance
The DSS-ROCF allows you to objectively evaluate Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure performance within a developmental context and to determine the age appropriateness of the respondent’s Copy and Recall productions.
Features and benefits
- Four parameters of ROCF performance are measured. Age-referenced norms for each parameter help you to determine the developmental appropriateness of the child’s production.
- The organization score quantifies the child’s appreciation for the organizational correctness of complex, visually represented materials.
- The style rating objectively categorizes the respondent’s approach to information processing as part-oriented, intermediate, or configurational.
- The accuracy score quantifies the ROCF elements that are accurately reproduced.
- The error score quantifies the extent to which elements are distorted (rotation, perseveration, misplacement, and conflation).
Note: Stopwatch required.