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The CAT assesses symptoms of attention-deficit disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in adults and children.
The CAT-A is available on PARiConnect for administration and scoring as the CAT desktop software has been discontinued. New to PARiConnect? Our free training materials make it easy to learn.
The CAT-A is a 108-item self-report instrument that is sensitive to the symptomatology of attentional deficits both with and without hyperactivity for adults.
The CAT-C is a 42-item assessment instrument with three parallel forms: a Self-Rating Form, a Parent Rating Form, and a Teacher Rating Form.
The CAT-A assesses both childhood and current features of ADHD, allowing you to gain a fuller picture of the presentation and impact of their symptoms. It can be used on its own but is best utilized when complemented by other rating scales (e.g., BRIEF-A, PAI) and performance-based tests (e.g., NAB modules, WCST, VSVT) for a comprehensive assessment.
Two sets of rating points provide a more robust characterization of the nature and impact of ADHD symptoms across a client’s life. In tandem with a clinical interview and collateral information, you can gain a rich understanding of your client’s history, and how past struggles have maintained or evolved to impact their present functioning.
The CAT-A i-Admin and Score Report allow you more flexibility in administration and scoring. As with many other rating scales from PAR, you can email the i-Admin to a client ahead of your session or have them complete it on your computer in-office. If your client has trouble with online administration, you can convert the administration to paper, manually enter their responses on PARiConnect, and generate the Score Report. Your first step is sign up for a free account and learn how to navigate PARiConnect.