Assesses executive functioning in preschool-aged children
Gerard A. Gioia, PhD, Kimberly Andrews Espy, PhD, and Peter K. Isquith, PhD
Useful in Assessing Pre-School Aged Children for Emerging Attention Disorders, LD, TBI, Autism, and Lead Exposure
The BRIEF-P is the first standardized rating scale designed to specifically measure the range of executive function in preschool-aged children.
Features and benefits
- Captures executive functions in the everyday context providing an ecologically valid and efficient tool for screening, assessing, and monitoring current executive functioning and development.
- Intended as a focused measure of executive function and not as a broad measure of attention and behavior problems.
- Questionnaire for parents and teachers of preschool-aged children that enables professionals to assess executive function behaviors in the home and preschool environments.
- Contains 63 items within five nonoverlapping theoretically and empirically derived clinical scales that measure different aspects of executive functioning: Inhibit, Shift, Emotional Control, Working Memory, and Plan/Organize.
- Useful in assessing preschool-aged children with such medical, acquired neurological, and developmental conditions as prematurity, emerging learning disabilities and attention disorders, language disorders, traumatic brain injuries, lead exposure, and pervasive developmental disorders/autism.
Recommended Resource
Learn more about enhanced interpretation of BRIEF-P ratings via our white paper.
Available in Spanish
BRIEF-P Rating Forms have been translated into U.S. Spanish. This product uses English norms only.
The BRIEF-P Spanish Rating Form is now available as an i-Admin, so clinicians can administer the BRIEF-P digitally to Spanish-speaking parents and teachers.