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Assess perseveration and abstract thinking with the WCST products

Wisconsin Card Sorting Test®

The WCST products are designed to assess perseveration and abstract thinking in adults. Additionally, they can be used as a measure of executive function due to their sensitivity to frontal lobe dysfunction. 

The WCST provides a task that allows clients to direct behavior toward achieving a goal.  This task provides clinicians with an ability to assess an individual’s strategic planning, organized searching, and ability to utilize environmental feedback. It measures control over impulsive responding and measures the ability to develop and maintain problem-solving strategies even when conditions change.

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When used as part of a comprehensive battery, the WCST can aid in discriminating frontal from nonfrontal lesions.  

Unlike other measures of abstraction, the WCST provides an objective measure of overall success and can assist in identifying the particular source of difficulty on a task.

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The WCST is Available in a Variety of Formats

The original version of the WCST uses a 128-card deck and can be completed in less than 30 minutes. For a shorter administration, the WCST-64 uses just the first 64 WCST cards, shortening administration time while retaining the task requirements of the standard version. The WCST-64 can also be ideal for repeated administration and progress monitoring. Administration and scoring for the WCST and WCST-64 are available on PARiConnect with the ability to select the 64- or 128-card version, or decide after administration!

The M-WCST offers a modified deck that eliminates all cards that share more than one attribute with a stimulus card, resulting in a 48-card deck with four stimulus cards to assess perseveration and abstract reasoning with minimal client frustration.

The WCST is also available in Spanish.

Administration Format



David A. Grant, PhD, Esta A. Berg, PhD, Robert K. Heaton, PhD, Gordon J. Chelune, PhD, Jack L. Talley, PhD, Gary G. Kay, PhD, Glenn Curtiss, PhD, Susan K. Kongs, Laetitia L. Thompson, PhD, Grant L. Iverson, PhD, and David J. Schretlen, PhD, ABPP
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