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Assess responsiveness to intervention in children with ASD

PDD Behavior Inventory™

The PDDBI was developed to provide what many existing assessments of children with PDD lack: evaluation of change in functioning, assessment of response to intervention, assessment of adaptive and maladaptive behaviors, identification of meaningful subgroups, and much more.

The Primary Goals of the PDDBI

  • Assess autism with age-standardized scores
  • Includes items to measure problem behaviors and social communication skills
  • Includes separate inventories for parents and teachers to address the issue of generalization 
  • Includes a measurement system to be useful in measuring responsiveness to intervention and disentangling change due to treatment from change due to development
  • Useful for multiple applications in various settings such as clinical, medical, academic, and research

Administration Format



Ira L. Cohen, PhD and Vicki Sudhalter, PhD
Photo of PDDBI