Working Styles Assessment



Assesses workplace personality traits in adults


Melissa A. Messer, MHS, and Heather Ureksoy, PhD

Administration Formats


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Assesses an Adult's Work-Related Personality Traits that are Related to Effective Job Performance

The results of the WSA will provide insights to both employees and hiring managers.

  • Helps workers understand their own job preferences and approaches, allowing them to identify potentially satisfying occupations and providing the foundation for work with a career counselor.
  • Helps hiring managers identify the working styles they value in employees and select applicants based on the degree to which they possess those working styles.
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Features and benefits

  • The only workplace personality assessment that uses the current Occupational Information Network (O*NET) terminology. The personality traits measured by the WSA can be compared to the traits associated with hundreds of current occupations listed in the O*NET database.
  • Administer either online or on paper, in a group setting or individually.
  • Online administration and report generation is available through PARiConnect. Once the test is complete, easily generate two reports: an Interpretive Report for users and a Personnel Selection Report for hiring managers.
  • Measures 18 constructs, including all 16 working styles defined by the O*NET. These constructs are grouped in five general categories: drive, interpersonal skill, adjustment,
  • The Assessment Booklet includes 14 agree-or-disagree statements for each of the 18 constructs measured.
  • The User’s Workbook helps examinees organize their results, generate a list of their own top 10 working styles, and match those styles to potential occupations.
  • For the counselor or HR professional, the Score Summary Sheet provides a fast way to score and organize the working styles of a client or job seeker.
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Photo of Working Styles Assessment ™
Age Range 17 years to 70 years
Admin Time 25 minutes
Qualification Level A

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WSA Introductory Kit

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WSA and WVI Combination Kit

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StandardSDS, WSA, and WVI Combination Kit

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What is the technical information for the WSA?

 Test structure

  • The Assessment Booklet includes 14 agree-or-disagree statements for each of the 18 constructs measured.
  • The User’s Workbook helps examinees organize their results, generate a list of their own top 10 working styles, and match those styles to potential occupations.
  • For the counselor or HR professional, the Score Summary Sheet provides a fast way to score and organize the working styles of a client or job seeker.
  • Online administration and report generation is now available through PARiConnect. Two report types are available: an Interpretive Report for users and a Personnel Selection Report for hiring managers.
  • Standardization sample consisted of 739 individuals ages 17-70 years closely matched to U.S. Census statistics.


  • Administer in 25 minutes; score in 10 minutes.
  • Administer with paper and pencil or online with PARiConnect.
  • Both forms of administration can be done individually or in a group setting.
  • Qualification level A.

Scoring and Reporting

  • Can be self-scored or scored by a professional.
  • Offers a Score Summary sheet designed for use by a professional working with clients/applicants.
  • Online administration and report generation is available through PARiConnect. An Interpretive Report for users and a Personnel Selection Report for hiring managers are available.

Reliability, validity, and norms

  • Standardization sample consisted of 739 individuals ages 17-70 years; the sample was closely matched to the U.S. population according to gender, race/ethnicity, and education level.
  • Test–retest reliability coefficients ranged from .71 to .88 on the working styles scales over a period of 5 weeks.
  • Construct validity compared the five major personality domains of the NEO Personality Inventory-3 (NEO-PI-3) to the working styles scales of the WSA; significant correlations were found for all five NEO personality factors, with Conscientiousness (r = .61) and Neuroticism (r = –.59) having the strongest relationship to WSA profile elevation scores.