Standardized Assessment of Miranda Abilities



Evaluates an individuals Miranda abilities through a systematic framework


Richard Rogers, PhD, ABPP, Kenneth W. Sewell, PhD, Eric Y. Drogin, JD, PhD, ABPP, and Chelsea E. Fiduccia, MS

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Thoroughly Understand Whether They Understand Their Miranda Rights

The SAMA is a comprehensive set of five measures that helps forensic psychologists evaluate a defendant’s understanding of his or her Miranda rights.

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Features and benefits

  • The most comprehensive assessment of Miranda decision making available.
  • Assesses vocabulary and comprehension of the wording typically used in Miranda warnings.
  • Assesses the knowledge, beliefs, and misconceptions that may affect a client’s choice to exercise or waive Miranda rights.
  • Measures the client’s reasoning skills as well as his or her tendency to acquiesce to authority.
  • Appropriate for use with defendants who may have lower verbal or intellectual abilities.
  • A detailed Professional Manual offers guidance and a standardized methodology to forensic evaluators.
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    Photo of Standardized Assessment of Miranda Abilities ™
    Age Range 18 years to 99 years
    Admin Time 60-90 minutes
    Qualification Level C

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    What is the technical information of the SAMA™?

    Test structure

    The SAMA comprises five measures:

    • Miranda Quiz (MQ). Twenty-five true-or-false questions measure common misconceptions about Miranda rights and their potential effect on Miranda decision making.
    • Miranda Vocabulary Scale (MVS). Assesses the comprehension of 36 key words that are relevant to Miranda, have specific legal meanings, and/or could be semantically confusing.
    • Miranda Comprehension Template (MCT). Assesses a client’s ability to accurately paraphrase the warning used in his or her actual Miranda advisement; examines highly prototypical content found in many Miranda warnings.
    • Miranda Acquiescence Questionnaire (MAQ). Measures the client’s level of yea-saying versus nay-saying.
    • Miranda Reasoning Measure (MRM). Provides a foundation for understanding the examinee’s thoughts and basic reasoning at the time of the Miranda warning and subsequent relinquishment of Constitutional rights.

    Technical information

    • Extensive validation studies were conducted for all five SAMA measures using samples of pretrial defendants with pending criminal charges.
    • The MCT Score Sheet offers a systematic method of rating basic content as recalled, omitted, or not applicable to the particular warning used in the defendant’s arrest and advisements.
    • The MVS includes a performance curve that identifies possible cases of feigned cognitive impairment.
    • Consistent with previous findings, the MAQ Acquiescence scale was found to be negatively correlated with cognitive abilities as measured by the WASI™.
    • The MVS was readministered at 2 and 4 weeks; its Total Score yielded test-retest reliability coefficients of .82 and .88, respectively.
    • The eight primary items of the MRM demonstrated excellent interrater reliability, with coefficients ranging from .84 to .98.
    • Experts categorized each MQ primary and ancillary item into seven relevant content domains, an exercise that established the content validity of the measure.